Friday, July 26, 2019

Rebellion is LIVE!

Rebellion is officially LIVE!

This was my first pre-order so I was extremely nervous about the whole process, but I'm excited for all of you to read it. This is a new series about shifters and romance and all kinds of mischief and I hope you love it! 

I put the first chapter here so you can check it out. 

XOXO~ Lila 

Chapter One

Night school sucked fairy ass. We only followed the darkened schedule because it was better for the rich vampires and the scaredy-cat humans. God forbid they run into a shifter in the hallway or, worse, a vamp. Creator knows the upheaval and mass world chaos that would cause.
 Night after night of pushing against my natural clock wore on me. As soon as I graduated, my life would contain sunshine again, and a tan for goodness’ sake. Pale as fuck clashed with my hair.
“How late did you stay up this time?” Kandra asked as I slammed my locker shut a little too hard and we began to walk the few steps from the building to the coffee cart run by another pack of shifters—raising money for a trip to Romania or some shit. The dark-and-potent brew was overpriced, but I needed the boost. Ten p.m. was the beginning of what I already knew would be a long day. Surprisingly, the line wasn’t long, which I was grateful for, but also scared me. Maybe the stuff was toxic. Oh, who was I kidding, it would probably be the only thing strong enough to wake me up if it was. The guy behind the coffee stand, scented like a bear, handed me my coffee and smiled a little too grinny—too many teeth.
Bear shifters were weird.
I stuck my tongue out at him. Shit, that might’ve given him ideas.
I took a long sip before anything was added, needing the hot wake-up right then.
I finally replied to Kandra, “I don’t know. I stopped looking after four. This night shit can bite my ass. I’m tired of being tired.”
My best friend laughed loudly and shoved against my shoulder, almost making me spill my coffee and came close to strangulation in the process. “It’s been two years, and we have less than a month until we graduate. Suck it up, buttercup.”
I scrunched my nose at her girly name for me. I was no buttercup. Of course, she was right. I didn’t have much longer.
When I thought of it that way, some more time in school would be a welcome invitation.
I stirred way too much cookie-flavored creamer into my already sweetened latte and sat down outside the cafeteria at one of those plastic tables with the tiny, circular stools that smelled like it was made from defrosted Tater Tots. My butt ended up numb after I rose from the tiny seats every single time. And don’t even think about trying to sit down on them in a dress or a skirt, not that I wore those.
I was a tight jeans kind of girl.
But I’d seen the struggle in more than one of my classmates.
The doors to the cafeteria were open since it was a cool night. The swift wind blew in, and I pushed a stray pale-pink hair back into place.  None of the paras inside felt temperature except the shifters, and we were well insulated.
I quipped back at my friend after taking a few sips.  “Easy for you to say. You don’t have to work.”
She sighed and the corners of her black lined lips fell. “Sorry, babe. I didn’t mean…”
I shrugged and reached across the table to pat her hand. “It’s fine. Anyway, I love my job at the Alpha’s house. Doing his laundry is my favorite.”
I made a throwing-up motion.
A swerve of fear swept through my chest at the thought I might be overheard, so I glanced over my shoulder around the stark cafeteria, making sure I had no one’s attention. Everyone seemed to be engrossed in conversation.
Thank you, Creator.
The pack boys huddled together, their female groupies pretending to be bored while fawning over them like glaze over a hot donut.
Damn, I could use a donut or twelve.
Zenith caught my eye and winked from across the room. I almost threw up in my mouth. Apparently, he and his father both triggered my gag reflex tonight.
 His hair was slicked back, and he dressed like a fifties gang member, but with way tighter pants, as though the pants forgot he was a finger-snapping cigarette smoker and wanted him to be a hipster instead. It was like Grease met Abercrombie and not in a good way.
And his shoes were white. I would have to take a match to all of  one day. What a bonfire that would be.
Oops, honey, I’m sorry. Your clothes just…set themselves on fire.
 Scanning the room for listening ears, I eyed the vamps and the fairies hanging together, all riches and gold and sparkle. Those things meshed, I supposed. Which was why they chose to group up.
And then there were the Rogue. Led by Alaric, or seemed to be, those shifters stuck to themselves and obeyed the rules of school and the pack enough not to get their heads bitten off by the Alpha but not so much that they were allowed on pack grounds. The Alpha told us they were the worst kind of shifters—traitors and outcasts—not good enough to be called pack.
A sense of belonging was crucial to shifters.
I envied their lack of oppression, but at the same time pitied their animals. From what I heard, they lived in squalor and poverty though their clothes said otherwise.
Their presence was strange at best, but Alaric, well, let’s just say I wouldn’t mind if I was caught in the dark with him—alone—for hours.
He had a way and a scent that called to me though I hadn’t admitted the fact to anyone, even my best friend. Rogue were off limits to me and every other female—I liked my head on my neck and not rolling on the ground, thank you very much. In our pack, dating a rogue would be the same as betrayal and betrayal earned you expulsion from the pack or death. Not that I’d ever seen the Alpha kill anyone, but still.
We weren’t even allowed to speak to them unless it was something school related or we were on the verge of death and only a Rogue could save us.
 I breathed a sigh of relief. Either way, no one heard me and my complaining. The Alpha had insisted I stay on pack lands, close to him, after my parents died, so that I would be safe. It was all bullshit, of course.
The real reason was much more foul.
I was betrothed to his son, the winker from the pack boys with the tight pants. He probably had pink eye from one of the pack skanks; that’s why he was winking.
No telling what else was crawling in, around, or on him.
“Boxers or briefs?” Kandra said, leaning forward. I smelled the cinnamon from her coffee on her breath. Her dyed-black hair swished toward me, framing her heart-shaped face.
“The Alpha?” She nodded. “Oh, eeew. Both, actually. But I use gloves. Gloves are required for me and for him.”
Kandra shivered and stuck out her tongue.
“Well, I guess that will change soon,” she said, taking a look behind her at Zenith. She turned back and whispered to me, “When I look at him, I want to sing that Will Ferrell tight-pants song. You know the one?”
Great, now I would be singing that song to myself the whole time. And she’d just ruined it by linking it to Zenith.
“I used to love that song and that act. Thanks a lot.” I sighed and rested my face on my palm. “Why does it have to be him, Kandra? Of all the males in the world…”
Kandra pointed her finger at me and waggled it. “There you go, questioning the Alpha
Alpha again. What’s the number-one rule?”
I put my head on the table, pulled myself from the position, and knocked my forehead against the cool plastic one more time, trying to knock some sense into myself. “The Alpha’s word is final.”
“Ding, ding, ding. You win. I would say congrats on the prize, but honestly, I’m thinking about giving you some serious antibiotics before the mating.”
I choked on my latte. “More like buying stock in pharmaceuticals.”
We weren’t kidding about the antibiotics and creepy crawlies when it came to Zenith. He’d had most of the females in the pack who weren’t mated and some vamps, if the rumors were correct. But we females were expected to keep our virtue under lock and key, well the betrothed ones, at least—me—I was expected to keep my virtue intact.
“Stop it. There’s nothing I can do. I’m simply going to enjoy my free time while I can.”
She slapped me on the back, making me cough. “That’s my girl. In the morning, after school, let’s go run.”
“Deal.” My answer was interrupted by the bell. We got up, and I pushed my bag back onto my shoulder. That’s what I would have to do, all right.
Make the best of my single time.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Love and Skate is FREE!

Love and Skate is FREE from July 1st until July 5th! 

Get started on the 6 book series for free! 

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Surprise Release!

I know, I know, I should've warned you. But it's more fun this way, right?

Bayou Bear Chronicles #5 is LIVE on Amazon and free to read with Kindle Unlimited. 

Don't you love that link?

What are you waiting for? Go get it!

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Molten Chapter One Teaser Tuesday

Molten: Bayou Bear Chronicles #5 is almost done and will be released on June 1!

Here's the first chapter (unedited). 


Chapter One


With Aspen gone with Acacia to school, I knew it was only a matter of time before Hawke called me in. I’d been on temporary beta duty for a couple of months, but the Alpha might have not liked what he saw in me.
Either way, Rev would have me pulling patrols.
The man couldn’t help himself—he had to be in charge of something, even if what he was in charge of was that asinine clipboard.
When the Alpha called that morning to ask me to come into his office on a Saturday, I knew something was up. Usually the weekends were for him and Echo and their now almost one-year old Colt to privately enjoy their family time.
I passed by the cypress tree that held the clipboard in place and checked the schedule for next week, but as I approached it, I saw only the last week’s schedule in place.
Rev must’ve been off his game.
I knocked on the door to the Alpha’s home and heard him from inside beckon me to come in. I walked in slowly and tried to shut the door quietly in case Colt was taking a nap. Our alpha was fierce, but the Coeur would rip you a new asshole if you dared wake up her sleeping babe from his nap.
I didn’t blame her. She went to school along with helping to run this pack and now she was a mother. That nap time was probably sacred shit.
I had let go of the doorknob as silently as possible when the Alpha’s voice boomed, making me jump. “Pine, we are all awake!”
“Oh, I see that.” I said, turning around to see the three of them on the couch reading a book together.
I had to admit, I was envious of Hawke. He had it all.
“Come to my office. Let’s let Colt finish his reading time.” I nodded my head at Echo, our Coeur, and ruffled Colt’s hair. He was our future alpha.
“Good luck, Pine,” Echo called out to me before I entered the office.
A wave of nervousness plowed through me. I hoped I wasn’t in trouble. I immediately shuffled through my thoughts wondering what I’d done wrong but came up with nothing.
“Sit, Pine.”
I did so at my Alpha’s bidding.
“You’ve been fulfilling Aspen’s duties well. And before that have acted as a beta when I’ve needed you to. You were there when Martha was kidnapped as well.”
I had been. Rev didn’t even know my name at that point, but my loyalty to the pack was unweilding.
“Yes, Alpha. It was my honor.”
Hawke sat down in the faded leather chair and with his elbows on the top of the desk leaned forward and smiled. “I’m glad you feel that way. I would like to know what your plans are—for the future.”
I scoffed. I’d love to know those too.
“What’s funny?” He pressed, the line across his forehead now more pronounced.
“I’m working hard and running patrols. Not much of anything.”
He sighed heavy and long. “Waiting on your mate?”
The word mate sent a sword right through my heart. Fuck yeah, I was waiting on my mate. I’d been waiting on her since I hit puberty. Sounded stupid to admit it, even to myself, but it was true. I needed her like my next breath, but yet, I didn’t even know her name.
“Yes, Alpha. Always waiting.”
He nodded. “She will come when the Creator decides it is time.”
I pushed back on the arms of the chair I sat in and blew out a long breath. “But where, Alpha? Let’s be honest. Aspen and Tarrow found their mates off pack lands. Other than that, there’s no females around my age. Not in this pack.”
Hawke mimicked my action and leaned back in his chair. “I don’t know, Pine. I really don’t. What I do know is that the Creator has a mate for you. She’s out there somewhere.” His eyes lied to me while his mouth poured truth. I knew my mate as somewhere in the world, but waiting for that chance meeting shredded my insides day by day.
I didn’t even think Hawke believed himself.
“Did you call me in here to talk about my mate, Alpha?” I hated to be so abrupt but wringing my heart out like a washcloth wasn’t getting anything done.
“Right to the point. Well, I’m sure you’re not surprised that I’d like you to be my beta.”
I shook my head.
“Good, do you accept the position?” I opened my mouth and then shut it. I should’ve been grateful to accept without saying another word. “What? Just say it.”
“Is this temporary? I mean, are you simply needing a beta because Aspen is at school or do you really choose me to be your beta?”
Hawke stared me down. Shit, now I’d really done it.
“Pine, when I choose a beta, I do so because he has proved his worth. No beta is ever just a placeholder. A beta holds this pack’s life and my family’s life in their hands every single day. Yes, Aspen is gone and when he comes back he will choose if he wants to be a beta, but there is no set number of beta slots to be filled. I expect you to be beta for as long as you are able or willing.”
Just as I was about to answer and accept my place as a beta, Echo, opened the door to the office and was breathless. Hawke and I both jumped and asked her what was wrong. A beaming smile crept up on her face.
“Your son just walked his first steps. Come and see, my love.”
Hawke didn’t waste a second and I followed after him. Colt was our beloved future alpha and precious to every member of the pack.
“I can’t believe I missed it,” Hawke grumbled.
“I got it on video. And watch,” Echo reached out to touch the Alpha’s arm to soothe him the way only mates could do. I’d seen it plenty of times with the mated couples in the pack. “Come on, now, walk to Daddy.”
She stood the black-haired toddler with one turquoise eye and one brown eye on his feet. Hawke crouched down and held his hands out. I felt like I should leave this intimate family moment and made a move to do so when Hawk ticked his gaze to me. “Stay, beta.”
I hadn’t even accepted. Oh, who the fuck was I kidding? I would have already accepted had we not been interrupted by Echo.
I heeded my Alpha’s words, but took a few steps back to let them have their space. Hawke called to his son and the toddler giggled but didn’t move until Hawke crept a little closer like a crab.
And then I got to witness a tiny miracle.
Colt, with pinked cheeks, took one step, still holding onto his mother’s pinkies, then two and let go, and then three and four and five, more like running to his father.
There wasn’t a dry eye in the room.
“Alpha, I would take my leave now. Thank you for allowing me to stay.”
He waved me off , enthralled with his son and his mate, now in his arms.
Again, I envied his finding of her.

Friday, April 12, 2019

The Bayou Bear Chronicles have new covers!

Hawke and the rest of the Bayou Bears have gotten a makeover and well-deserved. 

I spent so much time finding a cover artist who could do them justice and I finally found them!

If you haven't read them yet, here's the link! 

Friday, March 22, 2019

Seeking Havok got a makeover!

If you haven't read Seeking Havok, here's your chance. 

She's gotten a makeover and it's so beautiful.

From March 22-29, you can get Seeking Havok with her new cover for only 99 cents! Go snap it up while you can. 

"Her life was just as messed up as her name."